Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie 20. – 22.04.2012: Visual Traces in the Restless Present
The »Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie« developed 2004 from an initiative of photographers. The international festival is meanwhile named as one of most important German photography events. It places relevant themes and cultivates an interdisciplinary discourse in the photography.
A whole weekend do numerous activities throw a light on the main theme from different perspectives: photography exhibitions, symposium and discussions are giving the examination with photography a unique concentration. Beneath already established photographers in the main exhibition, also young artists have the chance to show their works. The mostly young photographers show their selected works within the supporting programme. These are of a high artistic quality. This promotes the meeting of the established with the artistic newcomers. A comprehensive catalogue is published to the festival.
The 7th Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie are incorporated in the event RAY 2012 of the newly founded Fotografieprojekte Frankfurt/RheinMain (photography projects). It is a cooperation of different institutions of the region, who did the concept for the first issue of RAY 2012. It is going to consist out of several, on different places happening, main exhibitions in Frankfurt and many satelite exhibitions and projects in the region. This project is made possible thanks to the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain.
Supporting programme
Beneath a curated main exhibition in the Designhaus shows the festival approximately 30 photographers out of the competition in the supporting programme in galleries, museums and off-places. The complete festival programme is arranged by the four initiators of Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie, together with Ute Noll (on-photography.com) and Prof. Kris Scholz (h_da Darmstadt). We invite for participation in exhibitions in the supporting programme, to send single works or series to the main theme 2012.
Theme 2012: Visual Traces in the Restless Present
Present-day societies are undergoing changes that extend into virtually every aspect of life and transcend all manner of social divisions. They are rooted, perhaps, in technologies believed to be safe—but not in our control, in the sweeping impacts of natural disasters, or in political and social upheavals. What is happening today with our globalized, networked world that it seems so random and disordered? The complexity of the contemporary world demands the attention of human beings in search of self-certainties and new perspectives. The ongoing changes—whether perceived, self-induced, or caused by fate—affect the lives of human beings in both negative and positive ways. Where can we discern traces, in the midst of the restless present, that will point the way into the future?
Hope to see you there?